Thank you for your support in 2020
Thank you for your support through a challenging nine months
I'm happy to repeat this story over and over.
Back in mid-March, just before the flower show season sprang into life, everything was suddenly cancelled.
All the stock I'd carefully planted and potted in anticipation of busy spring sales had nowhere to go. At the start of the most valueable months of the year, we nursery owners had nowhere to sell our plants. For a moment the outlook seemed bleak.
Fortunately, a few months earlier I had finally got around to initiating the build of a website from which I could easily sell plents. Suddenly it was really important to get that site up and running.
Online customers saved the day
I'm immensely grateful to all of you who responded to my pleas back in March, April and May.
I needed customers and you wanted plants. I think for many of you it was your first experience of buying plants online. Thank you for taking the risk and shopping through my website, and not at a garden centre or flower show stall as you've been used to doing.
It was a risk because you had no idea what condition the plants would arrive in. Many aren't very easy to pack and there's a good chance of leaves and stems being broken.
To reassure you of the care that I take, I made a short video explaining how I package plants for delivery.
Thank you for the kind comments that many of you have left for me on Facebook, Google Reviews, or have emailed to me. I grow plants because I love to, and it's so rewarding to know that you're pleased with them, and that they're finding a good home in your garden.
My plans for the year to come
Right now it's really hard to know what events will be permitted to run in 2021. There are plans for some flower shows, with extended hours and lots of social distancing.
Because the rules and restrictions keep changing as we work our way through this difficult time, I can't be sure where I'll be selling plants in person.
But I will continue to sell my plants online, and I plan to add some other bits and pieces to my shop. I'm already offering gardening gloves and wooden plant labels. If these prove popular, I may add some other useful items.
Whatever happens, I'll continue growing loads of hardy perennials and I'll still be looking out for new varieties to add to my collection.
Thank you again for your support and encouragement during through this year. I hope that your garden has helped keep you cheerful - it's more important than ever at times when travel is difficult.
I wish you all the best for the months to come. It's late December right now and the early spring bulbs are already pushing their green shoots through the soil.
Spring is on its way!
Keep gardening :-)